CMS just released the 2022 Final Rule which provides additional guidance on the end of the Web Interface mechanism for ACO reporting and APM Performance Pathway (APP) participation. This means organizations will need to adjust their participation in the Quality Payment Program.

You’re invited to join Mingle Health experts for our next webinar about the steps required to make the transition away from the Web Interface mechanism and the capabilities necessary to make the process as smooth as possible.

What are the implications of the QPP changes and new APP?

  • Timeline for changes
  • Navigating the transition to eCQMs/MIPS CQMs
  • What are the key differences between eCQMs/MIPS CQMs?
  • Strategies for ACOs with multiple EHRs and PM systems
  • Engage and support member participants and practices in quality measurement

We’ll save plenty of time at the end to answer your questions, too! By registering, you’ll receive the slides and recording by email a few days after the presentation.

Your Host

This webinar will be presented by Alysen Casaccio, VP of Client Services, and Amy Landry, Manager of Client Services.

Recorded Date

This session was original presented on November 17, 2021



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