Join special guest, Dale Schumacher, MD, MPH, MEd, for an introduction to how Medicare calculates – and clinicians can impact – Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary (MSPB) as part of the MIPS Cost Performance Category. Trained as an internist, Dr. Schumacher has over 25 years of healthcare governance and analytics experience and is president of the Rockburn Institute.

We’ll help you go beyond fee-for-service thinking and learn how to succeed in value-based purchasing.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Overview of MIPS Cost Performance Category
  • Medicare Spending per Beneficiary measure and calculations
  • MSPB and bundled payments
  • Using the MSPB toolbox
  • Your questions!

Your Host

Dale Schumacher, MD, MPH, MEd, is an Executive Consultant and President of the Rockburn Institute, a non-profit health services research and consulting organization established in 1979 that provides quantitative support to healthcare organizations. Trained as an internist, he has over 25 years of healthcare governance experience, has authored 15 peer-reviewed articles, and is an expert in quality reporting, quality improvement, and pay for performance.

Fern Nerhood, MBA, MSW, is the Director, Management Services and Senior Analyst at Rockburn Institute. She focuses on analyzing Medicare data and CMS performance measures and works with hospitals and providers to understand their performance and the resulting financial incentives. She has done multilayered analysis of Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary (MSPB), Value Based Purchasing (VBP), Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC), Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI), and Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings.

Recorded Date

This session was original presented on October 18, 2018



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