Mingle Health and quality improvement expert, Dr. Neil Korsen, introduce collaborative learning models and the Mingle Health MUSE Collaborative.

What is covered:

  • Collaborative learning models to improve process and outcomes
  • New challenges and opportunities in the Quality Payment Program
  • Introducing the Mingle Health MUSE Collaborative

The Muse Collaborative is a learning community of your peers and colleagues that provides participants with tools and processes to excel in the Medicare Quality Payment Program (QPP), consistent with the triple aims of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI).

Your Host

Dr. Neil Korsen is a quality improvement expert and Medical Director of the MUSE Collaborative with 18 years of practice experience as a family physician/geriatrician. In addition, Dr. Korsen has spent over 15 years working in health services research and quality improvement.

Recorded Date

This session was original presented on July 12, 2017



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