The Annual Wellness Visit is an underutilized reimbursable service from Medicare that helps providers gain a clearer picture into the current state of their patients’ health and create a care plan for improved outcomes.

Dr. Dan Mingle will highlight the key benefits and challenges to consider for your practice and the Annual Wellness Visit in the context of the transition to value-based care. Red Hawkes, Director of Product Marketing, will introduce you to our new AWV solution that streamlines the process and automates the creation of a comprehensive care plan that covers the patient for the next 12 months.

Here’s what they’ll cover:

  • What is the Annual Wellness Visit (AWV)?
  • Who’s eligible?
  • Benefits to your patients
  • Benefits to your practice and providers
  • Key challenges
  • Introduction to our new AWV Solution
  • Your questions!

Your Host

Dr. Dan Mingle, nationally recognized Medicare quality reporting expert, has personal experience owning and operating a small group family practice. His insights into the many problems that plague our healthcare system led him on a quest to innovate a better-functioning submission practice for small to large practices.

Red Hawkes, Director of Product Marketing at Mingle Health, has a background in military medicine that has driven a desire to help providers embrace preventive medicine. As a product marketer his focus is on ensuring that the products Mingle Health develops are at the cutting edge of preventive medicine technology.

Recorded Date

This session was original presented on December 5, 2018



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