eRx Deadline Extended Again
October 18th, 2012
According to MGMA,
Mingle Health has just learned through MGMA that CMS has extended the deadline to apply for a “hardship exemption” from the eRx adjustment for 2013. Remember—this applies to your e-prescribing in 2011.
“Beginning November 1, 2012, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will re-open the Quality Reporting Communication Support Page to allow individual eligible professionals and CMS-selected group practices the opportunity to request a significant hardship exemption for the 2013 eRx payment adjustment. Significant hardship request should be submitted via the Quality Reporting Communication Support Page (Communication Support Page) on or between November 1, 2012 and January 31, 2013. Please remember that CMS will review these requests on a case-by-case basis. All decisions on significant hardship exemption requests will be final.”
Significant Hardships
The significant hardship categories are as follows:
- The eligible professional is unable to electronically prescribe due to local, state, or federal law, or regulation
- The eligible professional has or will prescribe fewer than 100 prescriptions during a 6-month reporting period (January 1 through June 30, 2012
- The eligible professional practices in a rural area without sufficient high-speed Internet access (G8642)
- The eligible professional practices in an area without sufficient available pharmacies for electronic prescribing (G8643)
For more information about the eRx adjustment see the CMS website.

Dr. Dan Mingle and members of the team share their insights on how to maximize your success and payments for MIPS and APMs.