Lessons learned on the alpaca farm
I have always enjoyed the blog posts of John Halmaka, but it’s been awhile since I have had the chance to catch up with them. I did so yesterday.
It was fun to find that we had some things in common that I didn’t realize we had. I knew we were both physicians, both informaticists and now, come to find out, we are both alpaca farmers.
That inspired me to come up with this little ditty
A lot of healthcare wisdom can be found on an alpaca farm. Health relates to plenty of good food, clean water, fresh bedding, plenty of sun and exercise, the right immunizations at the right time, and a thorough shearing once a year.
Read John’s posts about life as a Healthcare CIO, father and husband and now alpaca farmer.
Wishing John and his wife well in their new venture.
Dr. Dan Mingle and members of the team share their insights on how to maximize your success and payments for MIPS and APMs.