Understand your patient’s health
The Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) is an underutilized reimbursable service from Medicare that helps providers gain a clear picture of the current state of a patients’ health and create a care plan for improved outcomes.
One part of the AWV is the Health Risk Assessment (HRA). The HRA can be a time-consuming portion of the Annual Wellness Visit.
Ideally, the HRA is a form filled out by the patient prior to being in the exam room with the clinician so that valuable provider time is not taken up with asking questions and recording answers. Yet we all know it can be hard to get patients to come to a visit prepared.
Easy-to-use Annual Wellness Visit Tool
Check™ by Mingle Health allows you to quickly complete the annual wellness visit (AWV) including eligibility verification, dynamic patient survey in the waiting room, and auto-generated care plans.
Our preventive medicine platform makes it easy to deliver the AWV to all of your Medicare patients and offer additional screenings to maximize each visit.
Streamline care plans
Is it a burden to develop and document a care plan for your patients? We help with that too.
Check is a software platform that makes collecting HRA and other assessments easy. Based on the results of the HRA and other portions of the AWV, it will automatically generate a Care Plan that provides all the necessary components to help patients become proactive in their health care and follow up with their preventive care.