Ask Dr. Mingle: Preventative measures and cost calculations, scoring for measures without benchmarks, and how switching EHRs affects MIPS submissions
We’re back with another episode of “Ask Dr. Mingle,” the podcast where Dr. Dan Mingle takes your questions about quality programs and the transition to value-based care.
You can listen to the latest episode right here:
In episode two of “Ask Dr. Mingle,” we address three great questions from Marilyn, Polly, and Ann.
- At 00:55, Marilyn asks: “Could you explain how individual measures impact Cost calculations? The colonoscopy measure, for example, is preventative. Does that change cost calculations at all?”
- At 04:38, Polly asks: “If a measure doesn’t have a benchmark, how is it scored?”
- At 07:35, Ann asks: “Our practice is switching to a different EHR system this year. How will that affect our MIPS submission?”
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Send us your value-based care questions!
If you’d like to ask a question about MIPS, Primary Care First, ACO quality reporting, or any other Alternative Payment Model, you can reach out to us in three ways:
- You can leave your questions in a YouTube comment under any episode of “Ask Dr. Mingle.”
- On LinkedIn, leave your questions in a comment on any of our posts.
- And you can reach out directly by sending an email to Please put “Ask Dr. Mingle” in the subject line when you submit your questions via email.

For additional information on Cost, access the recording of "At What Cost?" - a three part webinar series where Dr. Dan Mingle examines cost from different angles and provides strategies for managing cost performance for MIPS, ACOs, and the Quality Payment Program.